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We - that is an adventurous family - broke out of the stressful everyday life to discover the world (or at least part of it). Even if our everyday life could be much more stressful, the longing for freedom and self-determination does not go away. Too many things cloud the view of the essentials ...


It all started in 2017 with our trip to Kyrgyzstan with Günther Kastentiger, our previous VW T3 Syncro. Back then we were traveling east as a couple and it was already clear then that we have to go for another visit to some of the countries we had discovered. We had taken a few months of unpaid vacation and had set out with the aim of somehow arriving in Kyrgyzstan with the 30-year-old VW bus (and of course back home again).


This time the trip will be completely different - we are no longer two, but four. Above all, this means that things are planned completely (differently) and needs have fully changed. You have to take the seasons into account, minimize travel times, be less prepared to take risks in remote areas and much more. And still in the same little bus. All of these challenges are in front of us and need to be mastered.


Juliane, born in 1981, has always invested all financial means in travel, sports and adventure. Above all, she learned to travel slowly and also to linger, because only then a journey does become intense and lasts for a long time. She often let herself drift and never missed an adventure. Since Luisa has been here, the focus has changed a bit, but the desire to travel and adventure has remained. Just a little different than before.


Franz, born in 1989, has been on the road all his life. At first, of course, with mom and dad and later on his own. Climbing and mountaineering were mostly in the foreground. So it stands to reason that Central Asia is high on the list of priorities. Professionally, too, he primarily focuses on the glaciers of Central Asia and their past. In the last three years, the mountains came a little short, because he also discovered the passion for the T3 Syncro and built up our travel syncro.

Luisa and Jonathan

Luisa joined us in 2018 and was able to prove herself as a travel child at the age of 3 months on her first trip to Sardinia with our first Syncro. She now loves the bus and would love to spend every weekend with it. She prefers to drive herself, wipe the windows and press all imaginable buttons.

Since 2021 Luisa also has a little brother - Jonathan. He has not yet been able to profile himself so much in terms of travelling, but we are confident - it will come.

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